Time for a new item! After a very long gestation, these cushions are now available at Under the Oak. I’m very excited about this, as I love making them – combining the colours is so much fun, and I’m even enjoying putting in the zips (now that I’ve worked out how to do it without breaking a needle every time)!
There are two different types of happy nest cushions. The first are these selvage cushions, 41cm square, made from the selvage edges of fabric stitched together to form a panel.
I made a couple of these for our couch and loved them so much I just had to make some more!
The second type is called a ‘what can you see’ cushion, especially for children! I designed these with pre-school/kindergarten aged children in mind, particularly for those who need to take a special pillow to school or daycare for rest time. Or just a gorgeous pillow for their bed at home!
These cushions are 37cm square and made with vibrant patchwork. Each cushion comes with a list of things to find…can you see a pear, a deer, a house, a red spot or the number four?
The list tucks neatly away in the pocket on the back of the cushion – also the perfect spot for a handkerchief or tissue.
Loving the ric-rac edging! The cushions are $40 each (including insert), and are also available as custom orders in your choice of colours. The selvage cushions are at Under the Oak now, and the ‘what can you see’ cushions will be available from next week.