Thursday, August 15, 2013

more skirt photos

Here are some more reversible skirt photos!  I sold the lovely turquoise and vintage floral one at the market last week (thanks to everyone who came along!), but these two are currently in the madeit shop.  I’m loving the denim and red one!  $25 each

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There are also lots of new bibs in the shop, including this one, which just may be my favourite bib ever.  $15 each

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Isn’t the apple print sweet (haha)?!  It is from a beautiful panel of vintage illustrations purchased at the indescribably gorgeous L’uccello’s.

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I’ve also been having some exciting adventures with piping lately (I’m not being sarcastic…it really has been exciting.  I love it when I try new things and they actually turn out better than I think they will!  This is the first time I’ve experimented with piping and it’s going well so far.  I made the piping above and have attached it…hopefully the goodness continues!).  Aren’t navy and yellow so perfect together?  These are currently in the process of becoming a dress.  Hopefully the finished product will be blog-worthy at the end…

1 comment:

  1. Hello, hello lovely Amy!!!
    YAY i've found you!!!!! I saw your awesome stand at some recent Launceston markets and I'm NEEDING a wallet (tea one) and by the look of that dear bib that too!!!!
    I've tried leaving you an email through made it but couldn't remember my log in details!!! Oh but you have a blog!! YIPPEE!!!
    Can you please contact me so i may buy your wonderful goodies for my friends birthday and post them to her for Friday!! (can do!?!?!)In saying that could we do the transac locally??? Perhaps I could call in!?!?!?
    i look forward to hearing from you!
    Smiles Sharnee :)
