Tuesday, June 17, 2014

catching up, and a sneak peek

Where does the time go?!  Somehow I thought that having the boys both full time at school this year would give me oodles of sewing/blog posting time, but it seem that a sort of vortex has swallowed it all.  Anyway…lots of sewing truly has been occurring during the week!  And lots of watching-soccer-wearing-lots-of-layers-until-the-sun-comes-out, and some really gorgeous walks (in really freezing places!) has been happening on the weekends.

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And now the sneak peek of another new item at the happy nest!  I love making children’s games, and have had and idea for a posting game sitting at the back of my mind for years.  In these photos you can see the fabric postcards, with their detachable stamps.

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The game comes packaged in a little ‘mail bag’ satchel, along with a fabric marker to write on the postcards.  The marker disappears when sprayed with water, so the postcards are reusable time and time again.

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I had a lot of fun making these!  Can’t wait to get a few more done and out there for budding letter writers!


  1. Hello, hello you clever lady AMy!!!
    WOW these are gorgeous!!! WHere do i ask can i buy some???
    Hope that this holiday time is wonderful for you all!
    Smiles Sharnee :)

    1. Hi Sharnee...so glad you like my new game! I haven't currently got them out there yet, but fingers crossed I will have enough done to have them at markets and available online very soon! So glad you like them - it's always reassuring to get positive feedback on new things :) xx

  2. Hi Amy! I love the postcards. Your work is so lovely as usual. What a fab idea. Great pictures with the trees too! Angela
