We’ve been enjoying the gorgeous sunshine this week and getting out into the garden! Way back in May we planted some peas. We were worried that it was way too early, but it doesn’t seem to have harmed them.

Beautiful little flowers! And right next door are these close relations…

Our carrots and potatoes are looking good…

…and our leeks, silverbeet and broadbeans are coming along nicely too.

Divine apple blossoms…they smell as good as they look! We’re espaliering these ‘step-over’ ones, and they’re still just babies, so it’s lovely to see them bursting into life after winter.

And we’re so excited to be finally getting underway with our ‘chook kennel’, as Jasper calls it! Hoping to have some feathered residents sometime later this year. Chook house build, part 1:

The boys did a lot of sanding and banging in nails (only one banged finger). Jasper made sure he protected his hearing.