Saturday, October 20, 2012


Jasper’s bedtime prayer:
Dear God, Thank you for sending the flood and promising that you will never do it again.*  Thank you for making a beautiful world and making me.  Please make me grow older.  Please make a new world one day.  Amen.

Toby’s bedtime prayer:
Dear God, Please help Caleb and his family make the South Sudanese people healthy.  Please be with the baby birds in our roof and help them not get sick.**  Thank you for the noise they make and for sending Spring.***  Amen.

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*It’s raining heavily at the moment, but we read about Noah yesterday and know that God will never flood the whole world again – such a sweet way to know Jasper’s retaining some of the message!

**We have a nest in our roof full of (noisy) baby birds.  We got the ladder out this morning and had a peek at them, under the suspicious eye of the mama bird.

***Some people enjoy the noise they make more than others…

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