Friday, August 31, 2012

my madeit shop…

…finally has some more goodies in it! 

After months of being neglected while I sewed and sewed for Niche and filled custom order, it feels really good to be filling up my little shop with things again.


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And a few other bits and pieces too…

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  I’d love you to pop over and take a peek!

Monday, August 27, 2012


What a great time we had a Niche market on Friday and Saturday!  Christine came along on Friday night, and mum helped out on Saturday.  We were exhausted by the end, but it was just so much fun!
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This was the first time we’ve had a banner up above our table, and it was great.  It uses the same size letters as I have in my birthday banner kits, so it was good to be able to show people what those letters were like.  We sold lots of banners, too!
niche aug 2012 (1) (Large)niche aug 2012 (9) (Large)
There were so many talented people there selling their beautiful goodies, and it was great to catch up with some designers that I’ve met through our market – and to meet some new ones!
niche aug 2012 (10) (Large)niche aug 2012 (11) (Large)
It was also the first time I’ve had my memory card sets for sale, and I was anxious to see how they went.  I sold nearly all of them, which I was super excited about!  I will soon put some in Under the Oak (another post about that coming up soon) and in my madeit shop (which is gradually being re-stocked).
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Lots of tea wallets went off to new homes, and even some pairs of reversible pants.
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But really, meeting our lovely customers and being among so many clever people who love working with colours as much as I do was the biggest treat!  Plus, we were able to donate $236 to St Giles!  Thanks for coming along!

Sunday, August 19, 2012


On Saturday I graduated!  Like my hat?  I think it fits Toby better than me.

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This was my third graduation.  I really don’t enjoy them at all.  What I really wanted to do was this:

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As I was graduating as a Doctor of Philosophy, this time I had to sit in the front row, which made it even worse!  But I will definitely never be graduating with a PhD again, so I’m glad I did it, even though getting all dressed up and walking across a stage in front of hundreds of people was absolutely terrifying.  I was so worried I’d forget what to do.

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My thesis was about hospital treatment provided to nineteenth-century patients in London, Bermuda and Van Diemen’s Land (Tasmania).  I put my sewing on hold during the three years it took to complete, and although I really enjoyed researching and writing, I’m loving being creative again!

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Coming up this weekend: Niche!  I will do a big sewing update very soon to show you what I’ve been working on.  There has been a lot of sewing going on, just not much blogging…

Friday, August 3, 2012

market update

So, it’s August!  Nearly market time for me, yippee!  The first one will be Niche Market, on 24th-25th of August at the Inveresk tramsheds, Launceston.

Profile Picture

This market is run by St Giles, to raise funds for equipment and services for people who need some extra help in their daily lives.  20% of stall-holders’ profits go directly to St Giles, so you know that the dollars you spend there will not only purchase you some lovely goodies from some talented people, but will also support a very worthwhile cause too.  (I am Facebook illiterate, but you can apparently access the Niche page here.  Let me know if there’s anything important there!)

Then in October the happy nest will be at Inspire Handmade Market in Deloraine.

We had a fabulous time in Deloraine last time, and would are super-excited to be invited along again to help raise funds for the Deloraine Primary School!

And November brings Elizabeth Handmade Market, which is of course particularly dear to my heart.  Elizabeth Handmade Market was formerly The Branch Handmade Market – we’ve changed the name to bring us closer to our purpose of raising funds for Elizabeth Home in India.

india2011 755 (Small)india2011 503 (Small)india2011 457 (Small)india2011 474 (Small)Pop over to our website to find out more about Elizabeth Handmade Market, or to apply to be part of it – we’d love to see you there!

So there are plenty of fabulous opportunities to get out there and support some great causes – looking forward to seeing you there!